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Music Critic's Scathing 1-Star Review: MEOVV's 'MEOW' Falls Flat


There's fresh intrigue in the air, as the latest girl group to burst onto the scene, MEOVV, struts into the spotlight with their debut track titled "MEOW." The excitement among fans is palpable—like a cat that just spotted a laser pointer. But, as with all good things, there’s a catch. A music critic over in Korea has decided to rain on their parade with a scathing review.

IZM kicked things off by pointing out a rather painful truth: the song is short. So short, in fact, that it barely gives you enough time to pour a cup of coffee before you're done listening. Oh, and then there's the repetition. According to the critic, certain segments—like the intro, outro, chorus, and even the rap—are just "tiresome." If only they could apply that same energy to the relentless repetition of “MEOW” throughout the song! It seems the critics agree—if "MEOW" were a cat, it would definitely be a cat that doesn't know when to stop meowing.

But not all is lost, or should I say, not all is utterly chaotic. The critic did concede that member Gahyeon’s vocals shone through like a beacon of hope in a sea of monotony. Unfortunately, it appears that the rest of the group had to hide in the shadows, as the track didn’t provide a platform for all members to showcase their talents. Isn’t that just the way? A group effort that ends up being a solo act—sounds like my last family reunion.

In an ironic twist, the review wraps up by bemoaning a troubling trend in the music industry: the prioritization of virality over quality and cohesiveness. It’s as if the makers of this music understand the cultural moment but forgot to invite actual musicality to the party. In a world where clicks and views measure success, it seems that the art of music takes a back seat.

What do you think about MEOVV's debut song? Are you ready to pounce on the opportunity to tell us what you really feel? Share your thoughts in the comments below. And for those desperately needing their K-pop fix, don't change that dial—stay tuned for more updates from the ever-evolving world of pop music!

And just in case you missed it: MEOVV's visuals have the internet in a frenzy. With comparisons to JYP’s finest—Tzuyu, Yuna, Jiwoo—it seems looks can really launch a career. Who knew the beauty standards of K-pop were evolving faster than a cat’s mood swings? Keep your eyes peeled as we follow MEOVV on this unpredictable journey into stardom.

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