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Netizens Unimpressed: The Return of the 2018 Idol Star Athletics Championships Falls Flat!


Ah, the Idol Star Athletics Championships (ISAC), a delightful spectacle where our favorite idols trade their sequined outfits for sporty attire, dashing about like sprightly gazelles—all while we, the adoring fans, clutch our popcorn with rapt attention. It’s set to film on August 19th and 20th, and yes, it’s that time of year again. The exhilaration of watching our beloved stars compete can only be rivaled by the anticipation of waiting for the inevitable mishaps that seem to follow them like a well-honed shadow.

Now, let's take a moment to reflect on the history of this quirky event. Born in 2010 as a special treat during the Chuseok holidays—essentially Korea's version of Thanksgiving, but with fewer calories and more C-list celebrity star power—the ISAC has become a bi-annual ritual that binds fans and idols in a dance of joy and, quite frankly, occasional disaster. Who doesn’t love watching a pop star trip over their own feet while attempting to set a world record in the thrilling event of ‘Tug of War’?

However, not all that glitters is gold. Some fans have voiced their concerns—really, who could blame them—about the potential strain on these talented individuals—injuries, long filming hours, and a host of other woes that have been documented in what could only be described as a harrowing list of ‘10+ Worst Injuries That Ever Happened To Idols At ISAC.’ Because, if there's one thing we love as a society, it’s a good cautionary tale wrapped up inside a reality show.

So, it’s not shocking that this year's ISAC filming news has been met with a chorus of disapproval from netizens. After all, the online community is like that overly protective aunt who warns you to stay away from the neighbor's dog—the one that, more often than not, has a point but is also slightly overzealous. Yes, the criticisms are sharp but, like an expertly executed punchline, they encapsulate the tug-of-war of emotions we all feel watching these idols balance on the knife-edge of entertainment and wellness.

Despite the cacophony of voices urging a halt, MBC remains steadfast in its commitment to air this year's ISAC during the Chuseok holidays. Because, in the end, what is a holiday without a little bit of chaos, a sprinkle of nostalgia, and a generous dollop of athleticism performed by individuals who, if anything, have mastered the art of falling publicly with grace? Ah, the joys of television! Here’s to hoping that this time around, the only injuries we witness will be the emotional kind—like when your favorite idol doesn’t take home the gold.

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