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NewJeans and Parents Confront ADOR CEO in Crisis Talks


In an unexpected twist that could rival any daytime soap opera, NewJeans — those fresh-faced darlings of the K-pop scene — convened an emergency summit with the reigning queen of ADOR, CEO Kim Joo Young. This rendezvous, which took place on the afternoon of September 23, came hot on the heels of a live-streamed confession where the group, in an act of both desperation and defiance, bared their souls and made an audacious plea for the restoration of what they once knew as ADOR. Just think: it was only 12 days earlier they had beseeched the higher-ups to bring back Min Hee Jin, a figure whose absence seems to loom like a ghost at a party where every guest is too polite to mention it.

As the clock ticked ever closer to the deadline of September 25, the tension could have been sliced with a butter knife. The members, joined by their parents for emotional support (because let's face it, who can navigate the minefield of corporate negotiations alone?), reiterated their issues with all the fervor of a pep rally. And what was Kim Joo Young’s response? Well, she seemed to follow the perfectly scripted policies that were presumably carved in stone before she ascended to her throne, leaving the members with perhaps more questions than answers. Imagine being in a room where you’re asking for a hug, and being met with an invitation to a strategic meeting instead. Ouch.

Now, as for what was discussed? Well, there were whispers of alleged unpleasantries experienced within the walls of HYBE — a veritable drama that could rival any episodic series. Hanni, bless her heart, shared an anecdote of receiving less-than-warm treatment from the manager of a rival artist. It’s the sort of thing that makes you want to brew a cup of chamomile tea and settle in for an evening of gossip. Meanwhile, the members took the time to air grievances about the rocky relationship between their music video director, Shin Woo Seok, and the fresh-faced management at ADOR. Talk about a classic case of creative differences!

As of this moment, the outcome of this high-stakes meeting remains shrouded in mystery, much like the fate of a sitcom character who’s just walked out of the room with a dramatic flourish. Will they get their desires fulfilled, or will they find themselves mired in corporate red tape? The world waits with bated breath, watching as this K-pop saga unfolds. So grab your popcorn, and stay tuned for the next chapter in this whirlwind of talent, ambition, and the occasional artistic squabble.

A note of interest: This saga took a rather amusing turn when it was reported that a complaint was filed over NewJeans using an "un-Korean" iPhone in a Korea Tourism advertisement. Because what’s a little branding controversy amidst all this other drama, right?

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